和平歸來Hoping 全季收看(EP4限時免費看)



131 則評論
131 則評論
和平歸來Hoping 全季收看(EP4限時免費看)


影片長度約 14.8 小時
21 個影片單元
和平歸來Hoping 全季收看
《和平歸來Hoping》是一部7集的影集,以2003年SARS侵襲台灣卻爆發院內感染的故事為背景,然而這場院內疫情的爆發,除了大家對這個病毒的陌生,還因種種政治角力,使得整個疫情迅速的失控。 社會被病毒帶來的恐懼籠罩,只要與博愛醫院相關的人事物皆被視為危險的傳染源,台北市徹底慌了,無預警封院及雜無秩序的配套措施,讓身在博愛醫院的醫護人員們、甚至他們的家人,最終面臨了史無前例的災難跟歧視。 倉促被關在醫院裡的人們,有的惶恐、有的氣憤難耐,有的甚至已經絕望等死,瀕臨崩潰邊緣,當時關在院內的醫護,即使大多迫於無奈,仍盡心盡力照護病人、拼搏到最後一刻。 2003醫護的勇敢和犧牲,成就了台灣醫療法令的修定,感控的重視,指揮系統的重整。 所以在2020的台灣,我們反應迅速,我們充滿準備! 這是我們不能遺忘的故事,我們要向所有的醫護人員致敬!更要將這些故事留下來,將這些不可遺忘的記憶繼續傳頌!
5人就成團!給您95折! 不論6人、7人、8人、9人,一律95折!
NT$770 / 人
10人就成團!給您9折! 不論20人、30人、100人,皆為9折~
NT$730 / 人


第一集 白色巨塔
In 2003, a new infectious disease (SARS) spread across Asia. Shi-Kai Lo and Yumei Chen are doctors from Taipei Bo-Ai Hospital. Under the leadership of the latest director, Bo-Ai Hospital turns into a profit oriented business model, which goes against the doctors’ initial intent to save people. But after Shi-Kai Lo fails to be promoted as the vice director of the hospital, he quits in a feat of rage. He then remembers the director’s proposal to transfer him to being an official at the Department of Health of Taipei.

第二集 零和遊戲
In order to join WHO, the Taiwanese Central Government started to advocate for the “ThreeZero” disease prevention record. Compared to Taipei City, Shu-Hua Xu, the Director of the Department of Health, and the mayor, Jiu-Sheng Ye, are trying to encourage “Early Preventive Measures”. They tell the media, on their own, that they demand to categorize SARS as a Tier Four Infectious Disease. But the Surgeon General is against such a reckless execution. However, under the pressure from the media, President Mu-Kuan Chen gives in. While the Taipei City Government is basking in victory, the pandemic approaches silently….

第三集 冰山一角
Taipei Municipal  Bo-Ai Hospital has the first medical case that resembles SARS. Under the leadership of the Department of Health, it transfers the patient to the Medical Center, assuming that the patient is fully recovered. However, when he is being transferred, he casually throws away his infected attire. The hospital janitor picks the clothes up and unconsciously spreads  the virus across the entire hospital. 

第四集 涸轍之鮒
Due to China’s boycott, Taiwan is unable to gain any information about the SARS virus. They can only rely on the interpretation of the experts within the Health Department. But the SARS virus is cunning, the infected individuals display different symptoms from the patients.  Yumei Chen discovers that the patients and the medical staff on the same floor start to get fever one by one. After reexaminations, they are all reported as “suspected cases of SARS”. The hospital discovers that cluster infections have been happening within, which prompted Taipei City Government to close down the hospital and summon all the patients and medical staff back. 

第五集 坐困危城
Due to the sudden lockdown, a thousand people are trapped within a hospital with only three hundred beds. Not only was there a lack of medical resources, there’s also shortage of housing, food and human resources, causing the management system to collapse, followed by a series of chaos. The Ward 8B, where Yumei Chen serves, is considered the hardest hit area, where no one dares to come to their aid. The Taipei City government is slowly losing control, not knowing how to deal with the situation. The Ward 8B patients are diagnosed with serious illnesses and  pass away. An initial patient, Taiwanese businessman Guoqing Zhu, committed suicide by hanging himself out of the guilt of killing his wife because he hid previous travel records.

第六集 落子有悔
Out of the shock of witnessing Guoqing Zhu’s suicide, a registered nurse loses her mind. Ward 8B, the hardest hit area, still cannot get help, leaving only Yumei Chen and some other medical staff to struggle. The chaos at Bo-Ai causes a huge commotion due to the media. The Director of the Health Department is overwhelmed so he requests help from the previous director, Bai-Chuan Ye . The Central Government receives pressure from all sides. President Mu-Kuan Chen orders the execution of the “36 Hours Rescue Plan”, aiming to transfer all the patients out of  Bo-Ai Hospital. Just as Shi-Kai Lo volunteers to join the rescue to Bo-Ai, alongside with Bai-Chuan Ye, Yumei Chen falls ill. 

第七集 和平歸來
就在博愛醫院的危機緩解之際,陳郁美不幸染SARS過世,羅士凱自責不已,就在台北市府將陳郁美等殉職醫護奉為抗疫英雄時,羅士凱卻被咎責撤職,憤而控告市府欲討公道,沒想到市府毫無反省,選在博愛醫院重啟典禮上,羅士凱拿出手術線剪死諫,告知媒體博愛封院的真相,最後羅士凱被媒體團團包圍,他看不到未來,只看到鎂光燈閃個不停 。
As Bo-Ai Hospital recovers from the crisis, Yumei Chen unfortunately passes away due to SARS. Shi-Kai Lo is drowning in self guilt. Just when the Taipei City Government is about to commemorate Yumei Chen and other staff who have lost their lives as heroes of the pandemic, Shi-Kai Lo is blamed and dismissed. Out of rage,he accuses the government in the hope of seeking justice. But the government shows no signs of remorse. On the day of the  Bo-Ai Hospital reopening ceremony, Shi-Kai Lo threatens to end his life with a surgeon’s knife publicly to expose the whole truth of why the hospital shut down to the media . In the end, Shi-Kai Lo is surrounded by new reporters. He can see nothing in the future but blazing flashing spotlights…

共 21 個單元總時數約 14.8 小時








影片長度約 14.8 小時
21 個影片單元
和平歸來Hoping 全季收看
《和平歸來Hoping》是一部7集的影集,以2003年SARS侵襲台灣卻爆發院內感染的故事為背景,然而這場院內疫情的爆發,除了大家對這個病毒的陌生,還因種種政治角力,使得整個疫情迅速的失控。 社會被病毒帶來的恐懼籠罩,只要與博愛醫院相關的人事物皆被視為危險的傳染源,台北市徹底慌了,無預警封院及雜無秩序的配套措施,讓身在博愛醫院的醫護人員們、甚至他們的家人,最終面臨了史無前例的災難跟歧視。 倉促被關在醫院裡的人們,有的惶恐、有的氣憤難耐,有的甚至已經絕望等死,瀕臨崩潰邊緣,當時關在院內的醫護,即使大多迫於無奈,仍盡心盡力照護病人、拼搏到最後一刻。 2003醫護的勇敢和犧牲,成就了台灣醫療法令的修定,感控的重視,指揮系統的重整。 所以在2020的台灣,我們反應迅速,我們充滿準備! 這是我們不能遺忘的故事,我們要向所有的醫護人員致敬!更要將這些故事留下來,將這些不可遺忘的記憶繼續傳頌!
5人就成團!給您95折! 不論6人、7人、8人、9人,一律95折!
NT$770 / 人
10人就成團!給您9折! 不論20人、30人、100人,皆為9折~
NT$730 / 人