國際橋牌社2_EP01《風暴降臨 Before the Storm》
第一集 風暴將臨
BTV記者蘇婉甄,透過管道突破封鎖,獨家取得案發照片,得到王照陽大力讚賞。 此時雲林一場黑道糾紛,派系之間擦槍走火,一時間竟無記者敢前往查訪。
陳慶堂父親陳宗玄的大壽宴上冠蓋雲集,省長、院長、黨派要角都是座上賓,蘇婉甄也在壽宴上認識了陳慶堂。 面對國際情勢的動盪,黎清波選擇務實以對,卻過境夏威夷遭到無禮對待。黎清波立誓,一定要以總統名義,再次踏上美國的土地。
Island Nation 2 is a 10-episode Taiwanese political/historical drama which will be screened on Oct 1, 2021.
The show depicts the political and diplomatic challenges Taiwan faced between 1994 and 1996, in midst of its first direct presidential election and the Third Taiwan Strait Crisis. Taiwan, at that time, was experiencing increasing political and military pressure from China, along with internal conflict caused by power struggles among various political factions. Under these pressures, how did the President achieve diplomatic breakthrough to deliver a landmark speech in the United States? How did he start a new chapter in Taiwan's democracy by pushing for the first direct presidential election? How is the crisis resolved after a flareup with China caused by the President's U.S. visit?